Nutriventional Forum


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Pooja Salbande

Jun 26, 2024 04:30 pm


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Seema Raj

Mar 13, 2024 02:20 pm

What amount of protein is required to human body?


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Mar 6, 2024 09:58 am

What is DIAAS

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Imran shaikh

Mar 6, 2024 09:45 am

What are IEM?

IEM Stands for Inborn Errors Metabolism. They are a heterogeneous group of disorders that may be inherited or may occur as a result of spontaneous mutation caused by mutations in genes coding for proteins that function in metabolism.

1 Answers

Pratik narwadkar

Mar 6, 2024 09:43 am

What is obstipation?

Obstipation is a severe form of constipation that results in a person being unable to have a bowel movement. In Obstipation, there is both absence of faeces and flatus. Obstipation is a form of chronic constipation. It occurs when hard, dry stool remains in the bowels, causing a blockage.

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Karishma Jaiswal

Mar 4, 2024 03:29 pm

What is Neurodisabilty?

Neurodisabilty is a term used to describe the conditions affecting brain and central nervous system and includes muscular, developmental, motor, sensory, learning and neuropsychiatric disorders. 3 Common Neurodisabilties are : 1. Cerebral Palsy 2. Downs Syndrome 3.  Neuromuscular and progressive neurological disorders.

1 Answers

Vaibhav lokhande

Mar 4, 2024 03:22 pm

What is Severe Acute malnutrition?

Severe Acute Malnutrition is defined as the presence of oedema of both feet or severe wasting (weight-for-height/length <-3SD or mid-upper arm circumference < 115 mm). No distinction is made between the clinical conditions of kwashiorkor or severe wasting because their treatment is similar.

1 Answers

Suraj mane

Mar 4, 2024 03:17 pm

What is Anthropometry?

.: Anthropometry is a measuring tool for measurement of the size, weight and proportions of the human body. It is an inexpensive, non-invasive, and helps to assess the size and proportions of human body. Anthropometry reflects both health and nutritional status of the human.

1 Answers

Mayuri kambe

Mar 4, 2024 03:13 pm

Benefits of protein in our body ?

1. Helps in repair 2. Build the body’s tissues, 3. Helps in metabolic reactions in the body 4. Provides the body with a structural framework 5. Maintains proper pH and fluid balance. 6. Keeps immune system strong. 7. Transport and store nutrients 8. Act as an energy source, if needed 9. Better satiety which helps in weight management

1 Answers

Akshay dhumal

Mar 4, 2024 03:08 pm

What are amino acids?

1. Protein foods are broken down into parts called amino acids during digestion. 2. There are 3 types of amino acids 3. Essential amino acids that cannot be made by the body, and must be supplied by food. 4. Nonessential amino acids that are made by the body from essential amino acids or in the normal breakdown of proteins. 5. Conditional amino acids that are needed in times of illness and stress

1 Answers

Imran shaikh

Mar 4, 2024 03:04 pm

What is Protein?

Proteins are a Chains of amino acids linked by peptide bonds. Protein plays a primary role in the Growth and Development of all the body tissues. It contains 4-kilo calories per gram. The average diet should consist of 20- 25% protein depending on activity levels.

1 Answers

Komal pawar

Mar 4, 2024 02:57 pm

What are the benefits of Dietary Fiber?

1. Improves digestive health 2. Normalization of blood pressure 3. Improves mental health 4. Helps to control blood sugar 5. Strengthening the immune system 6. Reducing Cholesterol level 7. Weight Loss.

1 Answers

Komal pawar

Mar 4, 2024 02:55 pm

What are the benefits of Probiotic Foods?

It boosts immune system , improves digestion ,Keeps your heart healthy , Lowers Cholesterol ,Helps manages weight ,Supports liver function

1 Answers

Shivani sen

Mar 4, 2024 02:48 pm

What is DIAAS?

DIAAS stands for Digestible Indispensable Amino Acid Score. This is based on true ileal digestibility of individual amino acids.

1 Answers
